Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NSA Uses Radio Waves to Snoop on Off-line Computers Worldwide

Fox News
January 15, 2014

Nothing will stop the NSA from trying to capture all digital data that exists. Credit: EFF via Wiki
Nothing will stop the NSA from trying to capture all the digital data that exists in the world. Credit: EFF via Wiki

The National Security Agency has placed software on nearly 100,000 computers around the world that allows the U.S. to conduct surveillance on those machines using radio frequency technology, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

The secret technology allows the agency to gain access to computers that other countries have tried to protect from spying or cyberattacks, even if they aren’t connected to the Internet, The Times reported, citing NSA documents, computer experts and U.S. officials.

The software network could also create a digital highway for launching cyberattacks by transmitting malware, including the kind used in attacks by the U.S. against Iran’s nuclear facilities, according to the report.

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